Parents are always asking me how to keep my young child busy. What I have learned over the years is that children desire two things. 1) Your attention. 2)To learn about the world around them. So then how does a busy parent teach everything that a child needs to know while juggling the daily tasks. It’s more simple than you think. Whether you’re working from home or a stay at home parent in charge of all the tasks required to run a home, lead by example. Whatever it is that you need to do, allow your child to help you. Even if they’re too little to load the dishwasher or fix the transmission in the car, you can pretend that they are helping. First explain to them what you’re going to do, ask them if they’d like to help, and then set them up for success by giving them the supplies they need to stay busy. An example is loading the dishwasher they can put the Tupperware in you put the glassware. If it’s fixing the car, give them a bolt and screw and a screwdriver and instruct them to turn the screw until it reaches the end. Give them lots of positive affirmation like wow you’re doing a great job thank you for helping me. It definitely takes a little more work than doing your job by yourself, but your child will thrive learning from you and you will bond in a way that is very beneficial to both you and your child. in a new tab)